Erasmus Mundus MSc in Chemical Innovation and Regulation


The Erasmus Mundus MSc in Chemical Innovation and Regulation is a complete and flexible programme preparing professionals qualified to deal with all aspects of chemical safety

Chemicals play an irreplaceable role in everyday life. However, their use involves a risk: some may be highly toxic to humans and to the environment, or they may cause physical and chemical hazards.

To ensure a toxic-free environment, modern society demands chemicals strategies for sustainability. International chemical regulations such as the European REACH are an essential step in the right direction, promoting innovation to design safer chemicals and search for innovative chemical applications.

ChIR prepares professionals with the scientific, regulatory and economic knowledge necessary to manage the risks of chemicals and to meet responsibilities over chemical legislation worldwide. Its multicultural environment fosters innovation while exploring the most recent trends on chemical circular economy and sustainability.

The master duration is 2 years: 1 year of taught modules and 1 year of internship, research project and thesis.

By the end of the programme each student will:

- have a thorough understanding of international regulations on the use of chemical substances;
- be able to design new safe chemical products;
- be able to project a business plan for the commercialization of new chemical products;
- understand the industrial implementation of new processes;
- understand circular economy and its implications in chemical safety;
- evaluate environmental, toxicological, physical and reactivity risks of chemical substances.

Teaching takes place in one of the Universities of the consortium. Lecturers are specialists from all the partner institutions. The Host University rotates every year.

In the 2nd year each student moves to a second country of the consortium to complete the internship, research project and thesis. Part of the research project can be done in collaboration with one of the associated partner institutions of the Consortium either in Europe, in Brazil, China, Japan, India, Argentina or Uruguay.

The final Qualification obtained is a Join Master Degree in Chemical Innovation and Regulation awarded by the three Universities of the ChIR Consortium.

  • A prestigious Programme

    Selected by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus Programme, an example of excelence in European Higher Education

  • 1 year of Classses + 1 year Internship and Research

  • Become familiar with all the fields required for the management of the safety of chemicals

    Design of New chemicals / Green Industrial Processes / Marketing / Environmental Assessment / Toxicological Assessment / International Regulations / Circular Chemistry

  • Build your own personalized plan from a large offer of courses

  • Study in a truly multicultural environment

    Learn from international experts. Work with colleagues from all over the world.

  • Travel while learning

    Visit at least two different EU Countries as part of your studies. With the possibility of visiting other EU countries, UK, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, China, Japan, India as part of your research or internship.

  • Gain a European Joint Master Diploma

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Alumni testimonies:

  • Thanks for all the amazing experiences, lectures, memories you helped building and left embedded in my heart. You formed us with the broadest background possible, and gave us the chance to grow culturally, personally and professionally. We owe you a lot!

    Giulia Mengotti (Italy)
  • A great opportunity.

    Nazan Altun (Turkey)
  • Great programme- great people-life changing experience

    Ghokan Gulten (Turkey)
  • EMMC-ChIR has helped me a lot shaping my future career.

    Antoine Karengera (Rwanda)
  • Definitely an extraordinary experience, recommend to all young hearts to take this adventure.

    Wei Wang (China)
  • EMMC-ChIR is an excellent program to study in the EU getting updated with the state of the art. It gave me the tools and knowledge to continue my research career as a PhD.

  • It was an amazing experience with the most qualified professionals.

    Ana Ligia Sandoval (Guatemala)
  • As far as I know, there are no better alternative master programmes (at least in EU) which give this experience, And this is not only my personal opinion, this is what other people say when I introduce them to our programme, the most common comment is "unique".

    Askar Nurassilov (Kazakhstan)
  • It was an amazing experience and I`m very grateful for choosing it.

    Danilo Bertagna Silva (Brazil)
  • Thanks for everything. I will never forget these 2 years of my life. Best experiences ever. Grateful to all who have been part of my ChIR journey.

    Sharmaine Atencio (Philippines)
  • It is a life changing programme in every aspect.

    Jagadish Chandra Roy (Bangladesh)
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