Professionals dealing with the regulation of chemicals need an integrated, interdisciplinary view of the lifecycle of chemical substances. In addition to a thorough understanding of the international chemical Regulations, this view must include: mastering the Design of new chemicals, namely the most recent technology for the production of alternative materials; understanding the chemical Industry, aiming to acquire the knowledge of requirements for implementation of new industrial processes, including a solid understanding of the current economy of chemical industry; understanding Chemical Sustainability topics and paradigms, as the main guidelines to chemical innovation; applying the principles of sound Management, including the fostering of entrepreneurship; applying the Circular Economy approach and the culture of reuse and recycling; understanding Toxicology, as an essential tool for the assessment of chemical hazards, Environmental sustainability, for pollution prevention and treatment, including the topics of global and climate change; the existing methods of Assessment of the properties of new materials, including the quality of analytical data; mastering Risk and Safety assessment and management, including understanding the social perception of the risk of chemicals. Training in Transferable Skills is planned during the curricular year.
To address all these disciplines while fulfilling the General Learning Outcomes of the program, students are required to choose one curricular unit of 6 credits from each of the eleven groups of disciplines. Curricular units are made of groups of three modules, each module is worth 2 ECTS credits. The organisation of optional Curricular Units inside each Discipline Group is described in the figure.