ChIR Symposium 2023

Faro, July 3 - 4


Celebrating one decade of the ChIR Erasmus Mundus Project

Welcome to the ChIR Symposium celebrating 10 years of an extraordinary project, the Erasmus Mundus MSc in Chemical Innovation and Regulation - ChIR! We are thrilled to commemorate the journey of the ChIR project over the past decade, and we invite you to join us in this momentous occasion.

For a decade, the ChIR has united brilliant minds from diverse disciplines, cultures and backgrounds, with the common aim of studying and researching how to achieve safety and sustainability in chemical substances and chemical industry activities.

This year the symposium aims to commemorate the success and impact of the program while continuing to provide an opportunity for alumni, researchers, current students, and industry professionals to connect, exchange ideas, and explore new horizons in chemical innovation and regulation.

Similar to last year's, the event will be streamed online allowing those who cannot travel to Faro the opportunity to follow it remotely. Registration is necessary for access to access online streaming.

We invite you to be a part of this journey as we celebrate the ChIR's 10-year anniversary.
Join us at the Symposium and let us embark on this inspiring voyage of knowledge, discovery, and progress!